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Neuropunk Bratislava
7.05.18 | Neuropunk Night | UHU Club
The most important podcast & D&B events straight from mother Russia – Neuropunk Night is coming to Bratislava!
3 Headliners / 2 Stages / 1 Night
—=== GYDRA [RU] ===—
—=== TEDDY KILLERZ [RU] ===—
—=== MATIS & HUSPI [] ===—
—=== PAUL SG [AT] ===—
—=== DJ KATO [] ===—
—=== Olis Bakulu & Slight [SPECIAL PLACE] ===—
GYDRA [Russia]
Winners of „Best Producer“ on Czech & Slovak D&B Awards.
Duo formed by legend of Russian D&B scene, leader of Neuropunk podcast & Tamrecords Eugene Besman aka DJ Bes & outstanding Moscow-based producer Nikolay Shilov aka Menfort.
With countless releases on labels like Eatbrain, Blackout, RAM, Bad Taste, C4C and many others Gydra is definitely one of the most important russian acts on the scene
TEDDY KILLERZ [Russia / Ukraine]
No need to introduce Teddy Killerz!
Russian-Ukranian trio has been blasting scene since their first release. With supports by Noisia, Andy C, Skrillex, Knife Party, Flux Pavilion, Kill The Noise, Excision & many others Russian trio released numerous bangers on labels like OWSLA, Monstercat, RAM, Eatbrain, Viper to name few.
Their diverse sound & creative approach for music production made them one of the most important Russian exports on world Drum and Bass scene.
PAUL SG [Austria]
One of the most original liquid D&B artists in the game right now!
Being heavily influenced by his years as a drummer playing in various different styles of bands from rock, punk and grunge to funk, blues and gospel, including playing the kettle drum in a classical orchestra, this Bielefeld, Germany born producer currently based out of Vienna, Austria has become a true disciple of rhythm. Having learned that all music can touch people depending on the quality and depth, Paul SG brings a perfect mix of sounds and vibes that grabs you at the very core of your soul with each and every tune.
Working close with LTJ Bukem & the infamous Goodlooking Records for almost 10 years has taught him a great deal of professional attitude and perfectionism which Paul went on to put into his own label Jazzsticks Recordings.
Roku 2002 začína v rodnom Partizánskom spoluorganizovať party [[[TRIDENT, ktorá sa postupom času stáva jednou z najobľúbenejších drum and bass eventov, prinášajúca tie najväčšie svetové mená. Momentálne je to najstaršia pravidelne fungujúca party na Slovensku, nestracajúca na svojej popularite aj po toľkých rokoch! Značka [[[TRIDENT sa takto pretransformovala do čoraz známenšieho pojmu na scéne a popri bookovani vlastných djs organizuje dcérske parties po okolí dokonca i viacero významných open airov: LET IT ROLL Slovakia OA, Solid OA, Trilogic OA, LET IT ROLL Slovakia * winter edition *
+ More Info is Coming Soon!